The Best Way To Keep A Tattoo Hydrated. During the beginning phase of tattoo getting healed, most tattoos will scab. Usually this is over the course of 1 to 2 weeks. One of the common issues that comes up during this phase is when the tattoo gets dry and cracking starts happening.
At this point when your tattoo starts to scab around the tattoo, for the most part it becomes extremely dry and this can get irritating. A few tattoos will scab softly where the scabs are not really noticeable and some will scab vigorously, with thicker scabs. At the point when the scabs lose all amounts of dampness within them, they will turn out to be dry to the point that they start to split, break apart, and frequently bleed – this is what is known as tattoo cracking. This is when a tattoo that is dry to the point that the scabs are splitting and dying.
Reasons why a tattoo may start to split:
- You have numerous thick scabs. The more dense, thick scabs that your tattoo has, the more likely it will be for them to dry out and start splitting.
- Intensely Scabbing Tattoo. This tattoo is scabbing intensely, so will most likely strip away in bigger pieces
- Bigger, thicker scabs appear to dry out more frequently than little ones, and they are susceptible to getting captured on your clothes which can make tracks in an opposite direction from your tattoo. You must be cautious if your tattoo has lots of scabs currently connected to it.
- Getting scabs pulled/ripped/picked off before they are ready can delay recuperating times, make your healed tattoo look sketchy and blurred, and can even cause disease, so be cautious to avoid it from happening.
Despite the fact that a couple of substantial scabs on a tattoo is normal, a tattoo canvassed in big and thick breaking scabs can imply that your tattoo artist was excessively awkward and treated your skin a bit too rough.
To give your tattoo the most best chance of healing properly it’s best to eat a healthy, balanced diet to guarantee that your skin gets the majority of the nutrients and nourishment that it requires so as to remain healthy, scab over and recover effectively.
You should drink a lot of water every day to guarantee that your skin stays tight, springy, and in particular, all around hydrated.
As far as which products to use to help keep your tattoo hydrated and also to aid in the healing process, we recommend H2Ocean’s Extreme Tattoo Care kit. It was designed to not only clean your new tattoo but more importantly keep the dry areas properly moisturized and hydrated.