Guidelines for Nipple Piercing Aftercare. Here are some guidelines for nipple piercing aftercare which you should follow to avoid any issues. First, you should always consult with an experienced professional for the piercings. After the piercing, they will place a starter ring on your nipples so that they can heal and leave a hole where you will eventually wear the body jewelry. The nipples should be kept clean and avoid anything that could potentially compromise your healing process. Below are some of the guidelines for nipple piercing aftercare.
Avoid touching the nipples unless you are taking a shower or bath. Your hands can come into contact with different surfaces some of which can expose you to infection. So, to make you sure avoid any contamination on your piercings, you should avoid touching the pierced nipples at all costs. There are times when the nipples get itchy and your natural instinct is to scratch them but do your best to restrain yourself from touching at all costs.
When you are in a situation where you have to touch the nipples, for example when you are changing your clothes, make sure to wash your hands with an antibiotic soap before touching them. They will require washing from time to time. We recommend H2Ocean’s Piercing Aftercare Spray which is designed to speed up the healing process. You should avoid using alcohol, hand soap or hydrogen peroxide because it can lead to drying up the wound or cause scar tissue which will delay the healing process.
Watch for any signs of infection. Proper care of the pierced nipples will avoid any possibility of infection. You can wash your hands and inspect the nipples while checking for any signs of rashes or itchiness which can indicate the onset of infection. If you see any signs of infection, then you should consult with a doctor quickly so they can prescribe the necessary medication before it is too late.
For the piercing to heal and leave the hole where you will insert rings in the future, you should wash the piercing on a regular basis and rotate the starter ring. Avoid removing the starter ring till you heal fully. Use the inserted ring till you heal so that you can avoid cases where you will have a ring which will expose you to dangers of infection.
For women, make sure to wear a bra with materials which can’t snag the rings. Also, be careful when changing and wearing clothes so that you can avoid the possibility of snagging the ring on your nipples. When sleeping, try to sleep on your back so that you reduce any chances of your nipples being pressed against the pillows which can affect your nipple healing process. Lastly, make sure you keep the pierced nipples clean so that you can speed up the healing process. If you have any other questions about nipple piercing aftercare or any of our amazing products please get in touch today.