Oral Cancer Facts
How to Take Care of Chemo Mouth Sores is very important in cancer survivorship. The Centre of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 1,603,844 new cases of cancer and 602,347 cancer related deaths in the United States according to the latest data from 2020. For every 100,000 people, 403 new cancer cases were reported and 144 people died of cancer. Cancer is the second most leading cause of death in the United States with one of every five deaths in the United States is due to cancer.
According to World Health Organization (WHO), cancer arises from the transformation of normal cells into tumor cells in a multi stage process that generally progresses from a pre cancerous lesion to a malignant tumor. The notable risk factors for the cancer are tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, unhealthy lifestyle & diet, physical inactivity, air pollution, and other non communicable diseases.
The cancer treatment usually has a combination of treatments, such as, surgery with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Cancer treatment results in numerous side effects that affects almost all part of the body, and chemo mouth is one of the major noticeable side effects observed in the majority of the cancer patients.
What is Chemo Mouth?
Chemo Mouth Sores (Chemo mouth), also known as oral mucositis, is a most common side effect of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Cancer treatment (chemotherapy and radiation therapy ) causes chemo mouth by damaging the cells in mouth and throat. The commonly observed symptoms observed in chemo mouth are:
- Painful ulceration and sores in the mouth
- Redness, swelling, and inflammation of the oral tissues
- Dry mouth (Xerostomia) due to reduced salivary production
- Difficulty in swallowing (Dysphagia)
- Alteration or loss of taste (Metal taste)
- Increased risk of gum (periodontal) infection
- Bad breath (Halitosis)
- Dental cavities (caries)
- Opportunistic infections such as oral thrush (Candida)
Management of Oral Mucositis
There is no absolute cure for Chemo Mouth Sores (chemo mouth). Reducing the severity of chemo mouth sores can help relieve symptoms associated with chemo mouth.
Early management of chemo mouth can help to prevent the symptoms from worsening. Chemo mouth management requires a multiple approach as listed below:
Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene in Cancer Survivorship
It is very important to maintain good oral hygiene of chemo mouth. Keeping chemo mouth clean by brushing the teeth twice daily using a soft bristled toothbrush, regular flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash three to four times in a day. Additionally, it is important to use gentle mouthwash, such as sea salt based natural healing rinse mouthwash because it will calm the ulcerated tissues.
Careful Food Selection for Chemo Mouth
In chemo mouth, it is recommended to avoid spicy foods, alcohol, and acidic beverages. These food ingredients consequently can further irritate and worsen the symptoms. To reduce the chances of dental caries, it is advised to avoid sticky and sugar rich foods.
Frequent Hydration for Chemo Mouth Sores
Keeping the chemo mouth hydrated by frequent water intake. It will help to keep the chemo mouth moisten and further prevent it from drying out.
Medications in oral Mucositis
Dentist or oncologist may prescribe pain management medications, including antibiotics, to alleviate the chemo mouth symptoms based on the severity of the conditions.
Regular Dental Check Up in Cancer Survivorship
Frequent dental examinations and cleanings will certainly help to keep the chemo mouth clean and prevent dental diseases.
Avoiding Irritating Oral Care Products
In order to reduce the discomfort, such as burning and stinging associated with chemo mouth, it is important to avoid irritating oral care products. Oral care products that contain alcohol, artificial colors, harsh chemicals, and preservatives are not good for chemo mouth. Opting for gentle, mineral enriched sea salt mouthwash would be an excellent and safer choice.
Benefits of Sea Salt Mouthwash in Chemo Mouth
Oral care products derived from organic unrefined sea salt could play a significant role in relieving symptoms of chemo mouth. Mineral enriched natural sea salt mouthwash would be gentle to oral tissues because it does not contain any colors, alcohol, fluoride, and chemical preservatives. Scientific research has proven that Red Sea salt contains 82 trace minerals essential for supporting good health and fast healing.
For thousands of years, people have used sea salt because of its natural anti inflammatory (antiseptic) properties in wound cleansing. All of these unique properties make a sea salt mouth wash an ideal choice for taking care of chemo mouth sores naturally. Mineral enriched, unrefined organic sea salt mouthwash act as a natural wound healer that expedites the healing process of oral cells and tissues by helping them heal naturally.
Firstly, it is very important to understand that not all saline solutions are the same. The natural benefits of mineral enriched sea salt are lacking in ordinarily homemade saline mixes because they are made from highly processed and refined table salt (sodium chloride).
The Best Mouthwash for Chemo Mouth Sores with Great Taste
H2Ocean patented all natural sea salt healing rinse mouthwash provides safe and comprehensive oral care for managing overall symptoms of chemo mouth. Red Sea salt, is the key ingredient in H2Ocean’s healing rinse mouthwash. Red Sea salt contains over 82 trace minerals, which naturally help to heal the ulcerated tissues in the chemo mouth.
Organic Red Sea salt in the H2Ocean healing rinse mouthwash is unrefined and matches the trace minerals that are found in human body saline fluids. H2Ocean’s all natural Artic Ocean and Lemon Ice sea salt healing rinses are enhanced with natural flavors, Xylitol (natural sweetener), and lysozyme (natural antibacterial enzyme found in saliva).
H2Ocean sea salt healing rinse mouthwash possesses natural soothing properties. The natural oral rinse calms and provides natural relief to the painful ulcerated areas of chemo mouth. To use H2Ocean healing rinse mouthwash properly follow the steps as mentioned below:
First Step: Use the over cap to measure out your preferred amount to allow a gentle swishing back and forth in your mouth.
Second Step: Hold in your mouth for a couple of minutes and gargle if you can gently with your throat.
Third Step: Finally, spit out or safe if swallowed.
What makes H2Ocean Mouthwash beneficial for Chemo Mouth?
Regular alcohol based mouthwash causes dryness and burning mouth because it irritates the healing ulcers. H2Ocean sea salt healing rinse mouthwash is totally alcohol free that makes it overall appropriate for individuals with chemo mouth experiencing sensitive oral tissues, inflammation, and dry mouth.
H2Ocean healing rinse mouthwash is basically free from artificial colors and preservatives. By eliminating potentially harmful additives, it surely offers a safer and much more natural choice for daily oral care in chemo mouth.
Altogether, H2Ocean sea salt healing rinse mouthwash are formulated without artificial colors or preservatives. This significantly reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions, sensitivity, and painful oral lesions in chemo mouth. In brief, there are numerous natural benefits of H2Ocean sea salt healing rinse mouthwash. In conclusion, H2Ocean Healing Rinse is the best mouthwash choice for patients suffering with chemo mouth sores.
CDC | Cancer Statistics at a Glance
NCI | Oral Complications of Chemotherapy and Head/Neck Radiation (PDQ)- Patient Version