How to Take Care of Piercings. So you want to know how to take care of piercings so that you can avoid unnecessary damage or infection. During the piercing process, your skin will be broken which can lead to infection if you don’t take proper care of the piercings.
Always make sure that you use an experienced professional for the piercing.
When washing the piercing, we recommend H2Ocean’s Piercing Aftercare Spray which was designed to clean the area and also to remove any dried discharge and lymph secretions. Do not use hand soap, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide because they can lead to drying out of the piercings and cause scar tissue which you definitely do not want.
Only remove the starter rings after the piercing has healed. It won’t take long before your piercings are healed under normal circumstances. To avoid any allergic reactions, it is best if you use a new ring which is made out of safe and hypoallergic materials. If you remove the starter rings prematurely, the piercing may heal or it can close improperly. If you have the piercing on your earlobes, then you should wait for up to six weeks before you remove the starter earrings. For piercings on the cartilage, you need to wait for up to eight weeks.
Don’t touch the pierced area often. You should avoid unnecessary handling of the piercing because it can lead to infections. Only touch the piercings when cleaning them. Before you start touching them, you should clean your hands with soap and clean water first.
Avoid items which can snag your body jewelry. For example, hats and scarves which can snag your earrings or tight fitted clothes if you have to pierce in those respective areas should be avoided. But if you absolutely have to wear items such as scarves and ear muffs because you live in a cold region then do your best to always wear them with care to avoid damage to the pierced area. When changing clothes, you should be careful to avoid snagging them against your piercings.
Avoid other substances from touching the pierced areas. Items such as shampoos, hair products, and soap should be prevented from touching the areas where you have done the piercing. This is because the ingredients of the items can lead to more infection. To protect the piercings, you can use a plastic bag over the ears when applying the products on your hair or taking shower. We also recommend not going in the pool, ocean or hot tub during the healing process.
Depending on the area where you had your piercing done, the best position for you to sleep and avoid any injury to the piercing is on your back, unless you had piercings on your back. For example, sleeping against the pillow can lead to irritation of the ear piercings which can lead to pain.