Tips To Keeping Your Tattoo Looking Great When You Are Under The Sun. Having a tattoo is great but maintaining it in good condition is not an easy task. If you are in the sun spending time outdoors, it is possible that your tattoo may start fading. This is why it’s important that you take steps to ensure that your tattoo continues to remain great even if you are in the hot sun for hours at a time.
Apart from damaging your tattoos, too much of skin exposure to sun could also cause serious damage to it. It could lead to premature ageing, and in some cases it also could lead to skin cancer. If you want to keep your tattoo in the best of condition, which I’m sure you do, you have to take care of it.
Importance Of Applying Sunscreen Lotion
To prevent the skin from being damaged by UV rays, people with or without tattoos often choose to apply quality sunscreen lotions to their bare bodies. This will not only protect the skin from UV ray damages, but also help in keeping the tattoo in good condition.
Choosing the right sunscreen lotion is important so do some research We recommend H2Ocean’s Surfer’s Choice SPF 50 Sunscreen Spray which offers protection from the damaging sun rays. They also will ensure that your tattoos remain in good condition. However, there are some ground rules which one must follow. If you look at professional tattoo artists, they keep their tattoos covered for at least ninety days. This is referred to the healing period and only then should sunscreen lotion be applied. Exposure to sun and other elements of nature should also be done only after the cooling period of ninety days.
Be Aware Of The Risk Factors
There is no doubt that tattoos do fade with time. However, exposure to sunlight with proper protection can speed up the fading process. The ink should also be as thick as possible. You also should choose the right colors and it would be preferable to go in for dark shades like blue, purpose, black, etc. They take longer to fade. On the other hand colors like green, pink, red and yellow are likely to fade faster and require more attention, especially when it comes to using the right protection.
You also must place the tattoo in the right place. If you place it in the back or shoulders, you would not be able to see your tattoo and therefore you may not know what exactly is happening to it, unless you watch in the mirror constantly. However, if you wish to have a tattoo in these areas, make sure that you apply Surfer’s Choice SPF 50 Sunscreen Spray in these areas and on the tattoos.
If you follow these guidelines for protecting your tattoo when you are under the sun you should be able to keep your tattoo looking great for years to come.