Ways To Tell Your Piercing Is Infected And How To Treat It. Body piercing is beautiful, allowing you to express yourself while also giving you a unique identity. Unfortunately, body piercing comes with one certain challenge. You stand the risk of infection. What makes this a real challenge is that you may initially think it is a normal part of the healing process.
However, this should not be a problem if you detect any infection early enough and apply reliable substance. Here are some important tips on how to detect piercing infections, how to treat effectively and a few ways to tell if your piercing is already infected.
Is The Redness Of The Sore Getting Worse?
Piercing is like inflicting a wound on your body that will heal up fast. It is normal for the spot to be red immediately after the piercing is done but the piercing should close up and the redness should wear off gradually. If you observe that the redness is getting worse and the wound is getting wider, your piercing may already infected. If the wound and redness do not get better after two days, then infection is more than likely.
Abnormal Swelling
The exact spot that was pierced may get swollen but the swelling should improve within two days. If after two days you don’t notice any improvement, the pierced spot may be infected. If the swelling is accompanied by any pus, redness, or pain, you should get treated for infection. Moreover, if you are unable to move the areas around the pierced spot, this is a good indication that you may be infected.
Look Out For Pain
There is no way to avoid it but piercing comes with some level of pain and the pain is often associated with tenderness, burning, aching, and stinging. They all should start to reduce on the second day. However, if the pain does not reduce after the second day, you should start treating yourself for infection.
Check For Hotness
Some piercing infections come with a certain amount of heat. If you notice that the pierced spot feels like it’s giving off some heat, this could be a sign of infection especially if accompanied by any aching or soreness.
Puss Is A Definite Sign Of infection
After piercing your body, it is normal for the spot to discharge some lymph fluid but it is abnormal when your piercing begins to discharge pus. Don’t mistake pus for lymph fluid because the former is usually much thicker than the latter. Pus often emits a certain odor as well and is often coupled with pain.
How To Treat Piercing Infection
After confirming your piercing infection, applying H2Ocean Piercing Aftercare Spray is a must. The spray is soothing and effective but also:
- Is made with natural ingredients.
- Is safe for all skin types.
- Is gluten free.
Once you starting applying H2Ocean Piercing Aftercare Spray, you will notice that infection will begin healing up quickly.